A Letter of Encouragement


I wanted to take a minute as we head into our second week educating our kids remotely with a little bit of encouragement. If your house is anything like mine, we are enjoying the extra family time together, but we are also impatient and a little stir crazy. More time together equals more opportunity for our sin to show its ugly head.

It’s also so easy to worry and to be scared with everything going on in our world, but the truth is that the same God who was in control a few months ago when none of this was on our radar, is the same God who is still in control right now. He remains in control of every fear, every child’s tantrum, every difficult piece of homework, and yes, in control of every virus. He remains in control of the days that feel so full, even though they are supposedly empty. It’s easy to despair and miss the mark of where our focus should be.

“I would have despaired if I had not believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13-14

Let us not despair, but hope in the Lord. This is a real trial that we face and that our children face, and we have the privilege of walking them through this trial, helping them to keep their eyes focused on Christ… and the best way for us to do that is for us to keep our eyes focused on Christ. He is our sovereign, good God.

One of my favorite verses that I’m sure you’ve heard me say or write:

Who is he who speaks and it comes to pass unless the Lord has commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both woe and well-being come? Lamentations 3:37-38

As we enter our second week of virtual school, I pray this for myself and for each of you:

May God bless you with the patience you need for tomorrow
May God bless you with the grace and mercy you need to cover all of the frustrations you encounter tomorrow
May God bless you with joy for tomorrow as you see your little ones learn and get to be with them
May God bless you with a thankful heart for the well-being and the woe
May God bless you with endurance to run the race He has set before you

To close, I would love to quote one of our witty and wise second-grade moms: May your coffee pot be full and your internet connection solid!

So grateful for each of you and praying for each of you,


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